New project to help young people towards a youth education
Professor Jan Tønnesvang from Aarhus BSS is part of a new project called Sportucation. The project will help young people in eight to tenth grade at risk of not obtaining a secondary education.

Sportucation is based on the fact that a good community lifts the young person towards a youth education and that a positive approach to one's fellow human beings strengthens the qualities needed for the young person to complete a youth education. The youth become part of a team built around mutual respect, trust and faith in each other and each other's abilities. Mutual trust and respect requires precisely reciprocity, and thus responsibility for each other. This creates a focus on the necessary professional skills which supports the incentive to become proficient.
Sportucation is a collaboration between DGI, Vejle Municipality, Fredericia Municipality, FC Fredericia, the Ministry of Education and Aarhus BSS.
The project will run for four years starting in September 2019, and is supported by the Bikuben Foundation with DKK 8.9 million.
Watch the video below for more information on how Aarhus Municipality is working with the theory of KvaS-Vital. A theory that is the basis of the project.(på dansk)