

A letter from the Royal Danish Court, the Cross of Honour of the Order of Dannebrog and an audience with Her Majesty the Queen – this is what you get when you are appointed Knight of the Order of the Dannebrog.

[Translate to English:] Professor Esben Hougaard. Foto: Tine Bagger
[Translate to English:] Professor Esben Hougaard. Foto: Tine Bagger

Professor Esben Hougaard receives the Cross of Honour of the Order of Dannebrog for his scientific contributions to his key areas of research at the Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences. For many years he has conducted research on psychotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, anxiety and depression. He has also been chair of the PhD programme at the Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences since 2010, and he has been chairman of the research unit for psychotherapy. Through the years he has written more than 100 publication and a range of books, including the self-help book published in Danish entitled Kognitiv behandling af socialfobi og panikangst [Cognitive treatment for social phobia and anxiety] – as well as the book Psykoterapi – teori og forskning [Psychotherapy - theory and research].

“I was indeed very honoured to be appointed, and very happy,” says Professor Esben Hougaard, who is looking very much forward to receiving the cross and going to Amalienborg to meet the Queen to thank her for it.

Both Esben Hougaard and his colleague Dion Sommer were recently appointed Knights of the Order of Dannebrog. Never before have two employees from the Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences received the Cross of Honour of the Order of Dannebrog the same year.


  • You must be nominated for the Order of Dannebrog in order to receive it.
  • In order to be decorated with any of the Royal Orders of Chivalry, you must have a clean criminal record.
  • You are free to refuse to accept the Cross of Honour of the Order of Dannebrog.
  • All who receive the order are encouraged to write an autobiography, which will be stored in the royal family’s archives. 
  • The Order of Dannebrog was instituted by Christian V in 1671, and it was later expanded and altered,
  • The Order of Dannebrog is granted by the reigning monarch with no advice from the government. The insignia of the order must be returned upon the death of the holder.
  • The order is awarded to and serves to honour Danes, who have provided a service to the country through a noble deed.
  • In 1951, Frederik IX directed that women could also be decorated with the Order of Dannebrog. On the same occasion, the Royal Order of Chivalry was divided into four increasing degrees of distinction.

Further information

Esben Hougaard

Professor Esben Hougaard

Aarhus University, School of Business and Social Sciences


Tel.: +45 87165809

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