Name of the PhD course
Academic Writing - a hands-on course on reporting scientific results in peer-reviewed journals
Part 1 (1 day): 15 September 2025
Part 2 (2 days): 17-18 November 2025
Part 3 (1 day): 17 December 2025
Aarhus University, 8000 Aarhus C.
Date | Time | End time | Building-room |
Mon Sep 15 2025 | 10:00 | 17:00 | TBA |
Mon Nov 17 2025 | 10:00 | 17:00 | TBA |
Tue Nov 18 2025 | 09:00 | 16:00 | TBA |
Wed Dec 17 2025 | 10:00 | 17:00 | TBA |
Robert (Bobby) Zachariae, professor, MSc., MDSc.
ECTS credits
Course description
PhD course in the preparation of scientific papers. Participants are supported in writing a scientific paper based on empirical data with the aim of publication in an English-language scientific journal with peer review. Please see course overview. Participants from all faculties who work with empirical data, including systematic reviews, are welcome.
- Participants must have completed, or be nearing completion of, data collection and begun analyzing data with the intention of publishing their findings in a peer-reviewed international scientific journal. The manuscript may also be a systematic review of existing empirical data. While the course primarily focuses on quantitative studies, it also offers valuable insights for mixed methods studies.
- Participants must allocate adequate time for composing a first draft of their manuscript between Parts 1 and 2, and for revising it between Parts 2 and 3. Successful completion of the course necessitates attendance and active participation on all four course days.
- The required end product of the course is a complete draft of a paper ready for submission.
- Prior to attending Day 1, participants are required to a) produce a brief outline of the paper, 2) a preliminary draft of an English language abstract (200 - 300 words) with the following structure: background, aim, methods, results, and conclusion, and 3) to have identified at least one relevant journal, to which the completed paper could be submitted.
- Home assignments for Parts 2 and 3 include: a) participants must write a manuscript, b) a cover letter, and c) a “press release” - and d) review two manuscripts produced by other participants twice.
- Participants will work in small groups, and must be present on all four days of the course
Please note: All requirements listed above are mandatory
Target group
PhD students, all faculties
Applying for the course
Please complete the online application form
Deadline for applying
11 August 2025
Maximal number of participants