On Sunday 5 September, professor of psychology Dorthe Berntsen received the Carlsberg Foundation Research Prize. For her outstanding memory research.…
A new research project is to deepen our understanding of boredom, for instance examining the effects of boredom on cheating behaviour and online…
Aarhus BSS’ new research centre ‘Centre for Integrative Business Psychology’ is now officially open. Researchers from the fields of psychology,…
Pain is the most frequent reason for patients seeing a doctor. A new guide offers an overview of the pharmacological, psychological, surgical and…
Professor Jan Tønnesvang from Aarhus BSS is part of a new project called Sportucation. The project will help young people in eight to tenth grade at…
What does it take to get a management position? Most people would probably say that you need good skills and a good CV. It also helps to have a strong…
Almost every second Danish marriage ends in divorce and a substantial proportion of Danish couples are experiencing significant problems in their…
The use of technologies can make us smarter. However, our technological habits can also interfere so much with our learning that we achieve the…
Some patients suffering from depression receive treatment while others do not. In fact, some are even turned away. According to Assistant Professor…
Chemotherapy can affect the brain’s network and impair the memory according to a new study from Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences,…
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