Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences
Aarhus University
Aarhus, the xxth of April xx
Dear Sir,
On the xxnd of February 20xx the School of Business and Social Sciences has appointed an expert committee for the assessment of the thesis written by xx, MSc in psychology, with the purpose of obtaining the PhD degree in psychology. The deadline for recommendation from the committee was the xxth of April 20xx, but the committee has asked for a 1-week’s postponement. The committee comprises of the following members:
Professor xx Department of Psychology, participated in his capacity as supervisor for the candidate in the assessment without voting.
The committee has now made their assessment of the thesis and concludes that - provided an acceptable defence in public – the thesis does as a whole live up to the demands of the PhD regulations, § 3, No. 1. The arguments will appear from the enclosed assessment sheet.
The topic of the defence lecture is xxxx.
We recommend that the defence is conducted on Friday xx of June xx at 13.15.
Yours faithfully,
Xx Xx
Esben Hougaard
(Chairman of the committee)